Thursday, June 18, 2009

moody? down?

recently hair style, not much different, right? comments needed!
my poor marks~
I always love myself.

As usual went to school today.
Gone through my add- maths paper, realised how careless I was. Really make me so angry with myself.
What was I doing? Was I dreaming during exam?
All the careless mistakes in section one. Or else I would score for it.
For section b, the questions on function, I really have to work on it.
For the index one, AGAIN. I don't know what happened. Was I blind????
- ANGRY - I'm angry for doing such stupid mistakes which cause me losing 5 marks and even more. I just give my marks like that. OH MY GOODNESS.
So, serves me right now. Do all the corrections!
We have to do for every subjects. SERVES ME RIGHT. -.-

I'm down for no reason.
Now, I really don't feel to talk to both of you. very 反感了。
真的不懂怎么面对你们。很辛苦的。你怎样对我,我也没反应了。至于你,不要对我那么好啦!!! haiz..

I'm tired, leave me alone.

我只要把书读好啦,要做心理医生!哈哈,说到这个就好笑。竟然会有这样的愿望,也忘了是从几时开始的。我妈说我自己都不平衡了,等下医不好人,自己也一起疯了。我的自愿leh, 竟然可以这样说我的。哈哈。说到这里,看了仁心解码后,更想做心理医生了。哈哈。看律师的戏就想做律师,可是不好leh。要帮坏人的,那里可以噢?做医生?不要,我怕血。如果心理医生也需要先做普通医生,那免了。那做什么好?想过设计师,但没艺术天分-.- 那做什么好啦?等妈养我:D 顺其自然吧!

怎么说到这里了?还写起华语来。说会刚才,我真的要发奋图强了啦,要就支持我,不然就离我远远去!will study and get back to the top, that's my aim. I will achive my goal for the coming monthly test and also final exam.



  1. 哈哈哈! 我倒觉得你妈说得一点都没错
    要医别人...还是先平衡自己啦~ XD

  2. 哈哈,你又懂我不平衡?
