Friday, April 10, 2009


Saw a friend's blog today, and I got exactly the same feeling with her I think.
I'm do feel lonely sometimes, although I try hard to mix around. Sometimes, when you face problems, there is no one you can find to share. That's the truth.

Today I got so emotional because I suddenly felt so helpless. I don't know what's the reason. Friends asking what happened to me, why am I pretending to be happy but actually I'm not. They felt and saw it. Did I? I don't know. I just know that no matter how unhappy how sad am I, I don't wish to make people around me to worry or to be unhappy with me. I'm not pretending, but I'm actually trying hard to be happy and to forget some things. Some close friends knew what had happened and they understand. I'm really sorry if sometimes I hurt your feelings by saying some words to you all. I don't mean that actually. Now, I'm just sensitive and sensitive.

A friend suggested me to give a month break for myself, but how can I do that? I already used to it. It's the end and I should accept the fact? Or, I should give another chance to test? I can't do that. Getting crazy soon you know! I said before I won't be influenced by all these things and what is happening now? I'm out of control is it? Crazy plus emotional...

A good news for today is that we won the choir competition! We are going to Kuantan most probably next thursday. Congratulations. Other than that, no good news already I think.

That's all for today,

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