Thursday, August 6, 2009


So fast, this week is coming to an end. And, start again monday, tuesday, wed....
Everyday the same routine, same feelings, same same same......
Don't you feel fed up and tired with life?

Well, today, all of a sudden, unexpected, I was chosen to be the secretary of the badan pengawas smkt, sesi 2010 I guess? LOL.
Wow, you know, s/u has lots of work... I don't really know whether I can handle or not.
I'm happy of taking the pose as it will gain koko marks :D But, I'm too busy for prefect's work.
It's quite ridiculous right, they actually put the form 6 girl as the penolong s/u. I should be her assistant right?
They voted actually, and I have no idea how much votes I got or she got... blablabla.
The main point is, I have extra work to do.
As long as God is with me, I know I can handle it. SO, good luck Jolene (:
Fortunately, all the ''old'' pengawas became penolong exco, as least we all earned marks for koko :D
Don't leave me friends, I'm still the same like you all ):

more and more as usual.
Planned to do in the afternoon but failed.
Serious headache so slept.
And wake up, went for bk. There goes my afternoon~~~
Uncle Sai Kee said that he is glad that I changed my mind, means I'm taking bk....
How am I going to take, that's the question. Leave it to God, He will decide :D
Finally, finished the book of Acts. I actually expected to know what happened to Paul in the end, but............. the book of Acts actually ended like, Paul preached the gospel to the gentiles full of boldness and freedom... Something like that. Why never mentioned about how was Paul ):
I WILL FIND OUT! And, must start preparing for next year's bk quiz. Must get in at least third round man!!!!!!!!! haha. I know I can't beat the two pastors to-be. They will get into the final six :D
So, daven!!!!!!!!!! If possible, you will be my partner next year. Please start reading the book of Acts and Luke!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO GET ANY ZERO BACK ANYMORE!!!!!!

That's all, have to continue on physics report -.-''

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