Sunday, July 5, 2009

Second day

jingye + jolene
ky+ jolene
daven + jolene

all of us, not all huh. some missing

Once I start writting, I can't stop.
I don't mind whether anyone reads it or not, I would just like to share :D

Woke up at 7 something.
Few of them are bathing, some gone out already.
Had breakfast at 9am, then we got a one and a half hour session.
Firstly, chui yeng and the other guy, sorry I forgot his name, asked us two questions.
1. What is the purpose in life?
2. Where do you see yourself in 5 year's time?
I actually wrote on my paper that, 1st the purpose of in my life is to serve God and I want to be a pharmacist in the future. Well, you know I changed what I want to be in future again right? haha. After watching that show, it influenced me as it is quite scary facing those problems. I think I will go crazy with them too.
Yea, serve God. Joshua said that too. Ya, as a christian, our purpose of life should be serving God fully. Who am I that deserve God's love? I'm a sinner, but I have an awesome God, an amazing God!
Secondly, in 5 year's time, I probably will still be studying :D

Later, we started to worship. And, after that there was a drama presented by the Subang Jaya people. It was very interesting. The father and the son :D
Hey people, whatever you did, always remember that our God will forgive you if you GO BACK and repent to him. Yea, we are sinners. But, our God has sent his only Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Whose sins? OUR SINS. Can't you understand that how much God loves and cares for us?
Desmond and jingye shared their testimonies.
Jingye was too nervous and affected by others, you should read your paper la, won't so nervous ma. haha.
But, both spoke greatly :D About our God.
After that, Uncle Sai Kee shared a small message and he prayed for those who accepted Christ. Praise God.
That's the end of the session, we went back to pack our things and prepare to go for lunch and home sweet home. hehe.
Through this camp, we realised that BOYS ARE ALWAYS SLOWER THAN GIRLS. Okay, I mean certain boys.
Pack also slow, bathe also slow. Don't know doing what. Daven, packed already but I still came down earlier than him. In the end, we have to wait for the princes to arrive from their palace.
Our lunch, a packet of rice, I couldn't finish this time, as I was quite full after breakfast.
Home sweet home. Bye bye to the subangjaya people. Hope to see you all again next time.
Didn't get to snap photos with them, especially Liesl ):

It was a great camp, I enjoyed it very much.
Anyway, it's my first time la joining camp like that, you can't blame me being ''over'' a bit. hehehe.
That's the amazing race :D didn't take many photos, shall just show some, can't find usb for camera.
I'm tireddddd!!!! Leg painnnnnnnnnnnnn ):

To someone, you may be joking, but sometimes your words hurt me ): I know you don't mean it, but just be careful la, people are not joking all the time~